Solar: Survivalism Just Got Easier

- - SHTF Survival

I have read and watched a lot of survivalist and dystopian stories. Typically there is an an emphasis on how hard it is to survive, the struggle. That makes sense because it is drama, and drama doesn’t really happen if everything is easy and nice.

The Walking Dead had a terrible flaw, once you realised it – bicycles. In a zombie apocalypse there will be millions of bikes that anyone can just grab and travel quite quickly. Instead, and especially Mad Max, we concentrate on the need for oil, for fuel. Because whoever can travel, can rule.

It is hard to write such a drama that includes solar power, because suddenly everything gets exponentially better. I’m talking about solar panels on house roofs, with batteries.

  • Transport – electric cars have lower maintenance needs (less moving parts) and never run out of fuel. Even if the SHTF event means darker, cloudier skies, you will still be able to accumulate some electricity over time
  • Communication – at the very least shortwave can survive with solar power. Walkie Talkies can be recharged. Mesh Internet networks can operate. We can communicate with our neighbours, for added security
  • Food – many things improved with the Industrial Revolution, including food production. Imagine not having to grind wheat by hand. And of course we can run fridges and freezers. And cook on a stovetop or oven. And boil things, including water, much more easily.
  • Entertainment – basically, if you are smart enough to store them, we can watch DVDs and listen to CDs
  • Lighting – pre-electricity, doing anything after dark was difficult, and non-electric lighting options weren’t very bright. With solar power we can turn on spotlights when we hear a noise late at night.
  • Computers – I know, it is hard to imagine a use for a computer without the Internet, but consider this – books can be written and/or printed. With solar power, the real scarcity could be printing paper…
  • Drones – for security, and when on supply runs
  • Cameras – because storing memories, and printing phots of them, is good for morale
  • 3D Printers – yep I am running out of ideas, as this is a stretch. But I am sure that post-SHTF, somewhere in the world, someone manages to print some very useful items. Like, I don’t know, a gun.

In a SHTF scenario where there are far fewer people and lots of spare cars, the fuel problem disappears. But let’s hope we find ways of unlocking and starting those cars.

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