Category "Water"

Solar Panels that turn Air into Water

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The SOURCE® Hydropanel starts at $3000 USD per panel. There is not really any installation – just point it at the sun and get drinking water.

  1. The sun powers fans that pull pure water vapor out of the air
  2. Warm air inside the panel turns water vapor into liquid water
  3. The pure water is mineralized for health and taste
  4. The self-contained system circulates the water and keeps it clean
  5. Water can be plumbed directly into your home for easy enjoyment

Depending on how much humidity and sunlight your location receives, these solar panels produce between 0.3L and 4.5L of drinking water per day, per $3000 panel. From the air.

Of course low humidity usually means lots of sunlight, so at least 1L should be attainable. Over 5 years that is $2 per litre.

Apart from some minor long-term servicing, it should last 15 years with nothing to do.