The AtmoTube

- - Detection, High-Tech


I love this product – it is like the iPod that preceded the iPhone. An attractive, small product (fits in your palm), the AtmoTube however has some major shortcomings that mean I won’t be buying it this year:

  1. Sensitivity  – how close to the bad air do I need to be for the device to warn me? The site doesn’t say.
  2. Usefulness – as they state, “ Carbon monoxide poisoning can happen when you breathe in even small amounts of the gas, causing terrible headaches and dizziness.” And… “VOCs can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation as well as headaches, loss of coordination, and nausea.” That says to me I have my own built in detector already.
  3. Battery life – in continuous mode it is good for just 1 day. Otherwise, you need to deliberately turn it on or off to test the air – not an option that would suit most folk.
  4. Range – I want it to detect nuclear bombs, radiation and explosive devices…

In 10 years time every survivalist will be carrying the latest version of this. For now, don’t bother.


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