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Self-Sufficient Communities: The Antidote

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COVID-19 has helped everyone put things into perspective.

For some survivalists it has been a vindication, and their life hasn’t changed too much.

Here are some great advantages to living in a self-sufficient community with limited necessary contact with the outside world:

No taxes – aside from those attached to land ownership (land tax, council rates). If your community operates without money, nothing can be taxed.

Limited disease – in a pandemic, self-sufficient comes into its own. Just like everyone else, connections with the world suffer, but when you can get by without the world, and when there are many of you, it isn’t so bad.

My body, my choice – depending in the size of your community, you can have freedoms that the outside society might not. For example, and drugs/alcohol produced are tax-free, ingredients are known, and with a large enough property disposing of evidence is very do-able. Also, law enforcement tend to leave alone those who keep to themselves. Likewise, with the right members, abortion/tattoos whatever…

Self-provision – the process of planting seeds through to eating the produce is good for the soul.

Not processed – the very nature of self-sufficiency means no processed foods, and they are becoming acknowledged as the worst foods, health-wise.

Security – people are less inclined to do bad/crime when everyone around them knows them.

Win-win – you can achieve the above without rejecting the rest of the world. A typical commune couple can go away to the big city for a crazy weekend.

There are downsides, of course, to be discussed separately.